To make these templates easier to find, we’ve organized them into the categories below. Let us know if you have any questions or recommendations for future templates, and don’t forget to check back regularly for new items!
Activity Builders
Add your own content to these pre-made templates to create engaging games and other interactive learning activities for your students. These formats are ideal for review and skill-building activities.

Pick a Duck Activity

Pick a Balloon Activity

Simple Board Game (Shorter)

Simple Board Game (Longer)
Students can use these versatile graphic organizers to process and categorize concepts and ideas in any academic content area.

2-Column Organizer

3-Column Organizer

The Big 6 (5 Ws and H)

The Five Senses (Vertical Text)

The Five Senses (Frayer Layout)

Frayer-Style Organizer (Text Only)

Frayer-Style Organizer (With Images)

Frayer-Style Organizer (Blank)

Main Idea and Supporting Details

Venn Diagram (2 Circles)
Comic Strips
Students can create, communicate, and demonstrate learning through these comic strip templates and creation tools.

Comic Strip Templates (10 Horizontal Layouts)

Comic Strip Templates (12 Vertical Layouts)
Community Building
Most teachers are comfortable establishing relationships and community in a face-to-face environment. After all, this is where they often have the most experience. However, when school takes place in a virtual or hybrid environment, you may need to rethink some of your strategies. If possible, develop strategies and activities that can be modified and adapted to work in a variety of learning environments. Below are some community building examples to try.

“All About Me” T-Shirt Template

BINGO Mixer and Community Builder

“Meet Your Classmates” Class Collaborative Slideshow

“My Favorites” Speeches

“Star of the Week” Digital Sticker Template

Team T-Shirt Template

Virtual Locker Activity

“Would You Rather?” Template
Exit Tickets
Students can complete these pre-made exit ticket templates to explain how well they understood a lesson or how they are feeling about their learning journey. Use them to help gauge learning and determine your next steps.

Climbing the Learning Ladder

Students can engage in critical thinking, reward time, and interpersonal connection time by playing these digital versions of traditional board games.

Chess and Checkers Board

Launch Learning
Use these pre-made templates at the start of a lesson to engage students in new concepts and launch new learning in your classroom.

Watch and Wonder

Look and Wonder
Literacy Development
Use these pre-made templates to support literacy instruction ranging from learning letters to writing book reviews.

Book Review

Frayer-Style Organizer (Text Only)

Frayer-Style Organizer (With Images)

Know Your Words

Lower Case Letters

Lower Case Letters (Ordering)

Main Idea and Supporting Details

Upper Case Letters
Use these pre-made templates to support instruction and practice of literary skills and concepts.

Character Analysis 1

Character Analysis 2
Use these pre-made templates to support math instruction and practice.

Base 10 Blocks Activity Builder

Graph Paper

Know Your Numbers 1—10

Roll 100
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking
Students can use these graphic organizers to analyze concepts, solve problems, and think critically about the content they are exploring.

A/B Partner Talk

Cause and Effect #1 (Single Cause and Effect)

Cause and Effect #2 (Multiple Causes)

Cause and Effect #3 (Multiple Effects)

Cause and Effect #4 (Pictures)

Debate Preparation

Hexagonal Thinking #1

Hexagonal Thinking #2

Hexagonal Thinking #3

Hexagonal Thinking #4

Making Predictions

Notice and Wonder

Perspectives and Points of View

Problem Solution #1

Problem Solution #2 (Multiple Pictures)

Problem Solution #3 (Multiple Solutions)

Problem Solution #4 (Multiple Problems and Solutions)

Pro-Con Analysis
Students can use these premade templates to create timelines, sequences of ideas, collages, and a visual mapping of concepts.

6 Frame Sequence (Text and Pictures)

6 Image Collage (Text and Pictures)

Beginning, Middle, End

Timeline #1 (5 Frames Text)

Timeline #2 (5 Frames Text and Pictures)

Timeline #3 (8 Frames Text)

Timeline #4 (8 Frames Text and Pictures)

Timeline #5 (6 Arrows Text)

Timeline #6 (6 Arrows Text and Pictures)
Use these templates to help students organize and plan for both traditional and multi-media writing.

Paragraph Hamburger