Review considerations around copyright and fair use.

Digital Tools & Templates
Find free tips and tools curated by digital experts to use with your students, including how-to videos, downloadable tip sheets, and templates.
Ed Tip: Review, Reflect, and Revise
Develop expectations and support students with strategies for reviewing their work, reflecting on improvements, and revising their products and processes.
Ed Tip: Preparing to Present
Discover seven key steps that students can use when preparing to share information with an audience.
Ed Tip: Digital Notes and Annotations
Explore a list of digital annotation and note-taking tools that can support students with recording their ideas, regardless of what media format they’re using.
Ed Tip: Communicate Research Findings
Explore digital products and tools that students can use to communicate their research findings.
Ed Tip: Searching and Seeking Answers
Support students in their efforts of searching for relevant and credible information to answer their inquiry questions.
Ed Tip: Making a Research Plan
Find tips for how students can gain background knowledge and develop a research plan for an area of study.
Ed Tip: The Importance of Curiosity
Find ways to help students express their curiosity and ask questions.
Ed Tip: Asking Questions
Use these templates and resources to help students generate questions about their learning.
Ed Tip: Managing Email
Discover tips to help you manage your email inbox.
Ed Tip: Student Online Study Skills
Explore the 3 B4 T strategy and related digital tools to help your students develop effective online study skills.
Ed Tip: Academic Integrity
Explore strategies and tools for creating a classroom culture of academic integrity.
Ed Tip: ePortfolios
Explore tools and integration ideas for using ePortfolios in your classroom.
Ed Tip: eBinders for Student Organization
Use digital tools to help students create eBinders in order to stay organized.
Ed Tip: Digital File Management
Use digital tools and strategies to teach your students to manage their digital files effectively.