Dr. John Spencer helps us unpack the benefits of empowering students and introduces us to the LAUNCH process as a classroom strategy.
Implementing WICOR®: Inquiry
WICOR® is AVID’s proven learning support structure, which emphasizes writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to prepare students for college and career success. This collection explores inquiry strategies as well as technology that can be used to power up the inquiry process.
#130 – The Power of Empowering Students, Part I, with Dr. John Spencer
Dr. John Spencer shares strategies for empowering students while also identifying the benefits to our classroom and our students.
#123 – Tips for Better Research
Learn strategies and tips for successful online research.
AVID’s Six Tutoring Principles for Student Success
Explore a tutorial model that features a scaffolded approach to help improve student performance, increase their mental well-being, and support their academic aspirations.
Tutoring With Inquiry Instead of Answers
Integrate inquiry into each phase of your tutorial process to help students develop multiple skills while owning their learning.
Accelerate Learning by Maintaining Academic Rigor and Cognitive Complexity
Explore 11 ways to design rigorous and cognitively complex learning experiences for your students.
Share Your Learning With Others: Step 7 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
Learn how to help students prepare and share the product of their learning as part of the ANSWERS inquiry process.
Review, Reflect, and Revise: Step 6 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
Learn how to help students review, reflect, and revise both the process and product of their inquiry learning during the ANSWERS inquiry process.
Make Project-Based Learning Truly Authentic With Public Products
Examine the importance and explore different types of public products that can be used in project-based learning.
Mash It Up With Multimedia
Provide students with expanded creative opportunities by allowing them to mix together video, audio, images, writing, and animation on a multimedia canvas.
Support Student Reflection, Critique, and Revision in Project-Based Learning
Let’s go deeper into the key elements of project-based learning and explore strategies to support student reflection, critique, and revision.
Elaborate and Express Your Learning: Step 5 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
Learn how to help students analyze, synthesize, interpret, and communicate the results of their inquiry during the fifth step in the ANSWERS inquiry process.
Enter the Magical World of Animation
Empower students with strategies and tools to create animations for digital storytelling, classroom communication, and personal reflections on the learning process.
Weave the Information Together: Step 4 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
Learn how to help students apply critical thinking, note-taking, and organizational skills as they weave information together during the fourth step in the ANSWERS inquiry process.
Increase Student Ownership and Investment in Project-Based Learning With Voice and Choice
Explore strategies and tools that can be used to increase student voice and choice during project-based learning.
These collections change often as we add new curriculum and resources to AVID Open Access.
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