
Empower Students Through Creativity and Choice

Successful adults are typically self-motivated, knowledgeable, and inspired learners who are skilled in the areas of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. If we create learning experiences where students are empowered to make choices and create, they will have multiple, authentic opportunities to develop these skills. When students create alongside their peers, they engage in rich learning experiences that require them to make choices, communicate, collaborate, and solve problems.

In this collection, we’ll share a series of articles that focus on empowering students through choice and creation. We’ll begin by providing some ways to embed student choice in your lessons, and then we’ll branch out into a series of articles focusing on different types of media. With each type of media (audio, video, images, and more), we’ll explore specific tools as well as integration ideas for getting students creating.

Google Vids

Use Google Vids to bring video production into your K–12 classroom.

8 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Adobe Podcast

Explore the features of Adobe Podcast and consider how you might integrate student podcasting into your classroom.

8 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Improving Student Motivation Through Passion Projects

Consider bringing passion projects—where students choose the project focus, decide what they want to learn and create, plan out how they will achieve those goals, and work toward completion—into your classroom in an effort to increase their motivation.

9 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Classroom Podcasting Guide

Review a three-step process for facilitating student podcast creation in your classroom.

9 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Mash It Up With Multimedia

Provide students with expanded creative opportunities by allowing them to mix together video, audio, images, writing, and animation on a multimedia canvas.

Best Practices 12 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Enter the Magical World of Animation

Empower students with strategies and tools to create animations for digital storytelling, classroom communication, and personal reflections on the learning process.

Best Practices 19 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Think It, Write It: Creative Writing Across the Curriculum

Explore strategies and tools that students can use to write creatively across the curriculum.

Best Practices 12 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Picture This: The Power of Images in Student Creation

Explore strategies and tools that students can use to create with images in your classroom.

Best Practices 28 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Hear It, Say It, Play It: The Power of Audio in Student Creation

Encourage students to use audio as a way to create and express themselves using these strategies and tools.

Best Practices 21 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Imagine, Record, Create: The Power of Video in Student Creation

Develop lessons that empower students by exploring six ways for students to design, create, and produce video content.

Best Practices 44 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Empower Students Through Creativity and Choice

Design lessons that empower students by giving them voice and choice in the learning process as well as an opportunity to create.

Best Practices 20 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

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