Episodes (Page 16)

Unpacking Education January 5, 2022 • 20 min

Join us for a special episode to say farewell to 2021 and set the stage for a new year. We share the goals, reflections, and wishes for the new year that you shared with us via social media.

Unpacking Education December 29, 2021 • 12 min

In this last episode from our Host Choice series for the holidays, Paul Beckermann shares his reflections on the past year and hopes for both teachers and students to find the social and emotional learning support that they need to succeed.

Unpacking Education December 22, 2021 • 12 min

In this episode from our Host Choice series for the holidays, Rena Clark shares her tips for remembering to prioritize self-care during the winter break.

Unpacking Education December 15, 2021 • 10 min

Let’s get started on the holiday season with our Host Choice series, where each host reflects on their favorite episode of the year. We get started with Dr. Winston Benjamin.

Unpacking Education December 8, 2021 • 35 min

Celebrate Computer Science Education Week with us as we chat with Master Teacher, Erica Roberts, about her experience developing equitable pathways to CS to inspire all students and empower them to embrace all the possibilities in their future.

Unpacking Education December 1, 2021 • 35 min

By building relationships with families, you can identify ways to differentiate and personalize instruction to better engage students in their learning process and motivate parents to become advocates for their child’s success.

Unpacking Education November 24, 2021 • 27 min

In preparation for Thanksgiving, we reached out on social media and asked teachers to share their “why” with us. Join us to learn what motivates and inspires our teachers, as we say thank you for all they do.

Unpacking Education November 17, 2021 • 32 min

Join us to explore arts integrations to enhance student engagement across the curriculum through an approach to teaching which includes intentional identification of naturally aligned standards.

Unpacking Education November 10, 2021 • 35 min

When provided with voice and choice, students thrive in the classroom. In this episode, we provide easy-to-implement strategies digital teaching strategies to amplify student voice across grade levels.

Unpacking Education November 3, 2021 • 34 min

More classrooms have access to technology today than they did in March of 2020. Join us to discuss how to support educators as they learn to integrate education technology to foster student agency and student ownership.

Unpacking Education October 27, 2021 • 28 min

Let’s explore how we can develop the skills that we need as educators to provide multiple on-ramps in making learning accessible to all students.

Unpacking Education October 20, 2021 • 26 min

Join us to explore how relational capacity impacts the academic success of our students and informs our instructional practices.

Unpacking Education October 13, 2021 • 38 min

Join us as we model how to have a challenging conversation, as our team brings three different experiences and identities to listen and learn from each other.

Unpacking Education October 6, 2021 • 26 min

It’s the beginning of the year and we are wondering, are you okay? For many of us, the stress of creating a positive, supportive, and inclusive environment for students who are back in the classroom after 18 months is overwhelming. Let’s talk about it.

Unpacking Education September 29, 2021 • 31 min

With our special guest—Ruben Martinez, a high school History teacher—the team shares the surprises and insights that they have encountered as the new school year begins and they relearn routines for the face-to-face classroom.
