Design student-centered learning through project-based learning, inquiry, and blended learning models to prepare your students for the ever-changing world of artificial intelligence (AI).
All AVID Open Access Classroom Resources
Ed Tip: Digital Notes and Annotations
Explore a list of digital annotation and note-taking tools that can support students with recording their ideas, regardless of what media format they’re using.
Ed Tip: Communicate Research Findings
Explore digital products and tools that students can use to communicate their research findings.
#196 – Girls Who Code, with Chrissy Ziccarelli
Chrissy Ziccarelli joins us to explain how Girls Who Code is supporting girls and women in the fields of computer science and coding as well as how you can get involved.
#195 – ANSWERS Inquiry Process, Step 3: Search and Seek Credible Information
Review five ways that students can search and seek out credible information to support their inquiry questions.
#194 – Assessment as Revelation, with Dr. Kelly Camak Niccolls
Dr. Kelly Camak Niccolls explains how the five elements of revelatory assessment can make assessment more personal, narrational, relational, iterative, and reciprocal.
#193 – ANSWERS Inquiry Process, Step 2: Noting Possibilities
Review how to have students gain general background knowledge about their topic and develop a research plan by noting the possibilities available to them.
Ed Tip: Searching and Seeking Answers
Support students in their efforts of searching for relevant and credible information to answer their inquiry questions.
Ed Tip: Making a Research Plan
Find tips for how students can gain background knowledge and develop a research plan for an area of study.
STEM and CS #EducatorVoices
Educators discuss science, technology, engineering, math, and computer science.
College and Career #EducatorVoices
Hear strategies and practices to help prepare students for college and career.
#192 – The Future Ready Librarian, with Shannon McClintock Miller
Shannon McClintock Miller joins us to talk about the role of future ready librarians and how every person in a school system fits into the Future Ready Framework.
Passion, Purpose, and Possibility #EducatorVoices
Listen to insights about helping students turn passion into meaningful action.
Get Connected With the Affordable Connectivity Program
Learn how households can receive financial support in connecting to the internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program.
#191 – ANSWERS Inquiry Process, Step 1: Ask Questions
Explore the first step of the ANSWERS inquiry process and learn how to have students generate questions that drive their learning.