
Teacher Turnover

Teaching is hard, and it matters. This title from one of our podcasts says a lot in a few words. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced many new challenges and stresses for teachers and others in the educational system. Even with students moving back to a face-to-face model, things feel different. Students might be distracted more easily, they might be suffering from new or worsening mental health issues, and they are definitely out of the routine of “normal” school. To compound this challenge, more educators are retiring or leaving the profession for another career. These conditions put an additional strain on teachers and entire systems.

While the articles and podcasts in this collection acknowledge and address the difficulty of teaching in our current environment, they also explore possible solutions. Find data that illustrates how AVID training increases teachers’ likelihood to remain at their school or district.

As you review the resources in this collection, consider downloading the questions linked below to guide your reflection. If possible, do this work with a team of your colleagues and use the prompts to stimulate discussion.

#96 – Grow Your Own Teachers

Hear how one Washington school district has developed a program to expose high school students to potential careers in education with the hope of inspiring them to return to work in the district as teachers and paraeducators.

Unpacking Education 41 min Resource by:

#95 – Recruiting, Supporting, and Retaining Elementary Teachers

Join our conversation about the current shortage of elementary teachers, as we consider ways that we can recruit, support, and retain teachers, especially teachers of color.

Unpacking Education 38 min Resource by:

#94 – Recruiting, Supporting, and Retaining Secondary Teachers

Join us as we discuss the current teacher shortage and brainstorm ways that we can get more young people interested in joining the teaching profession while retaining those who are currently working in our schools.

Unpacking Education 38 min Resource by:

#80 – Toxic Positivity

Explore the concept of toxic positivity: how to recognize it, how you can better understand it, and ways of approaching it in a school setting.

Unpacking Education 34 min Resource by:

#67 – Remembering Your Why

In preparation for Thanksgiving, we reached out on social media and asked teachers to share their “why” with us. Join us to learn what motivates and inspires our teachers, as we say thank you for all they do.

Unpacking Education 27 min Resource by:

#60 – Are You Okay? Building Resilience and Making Time to Care for Yourself

It’s the beginning of the year and we are wondering, are you okay? For many of us, the stress of creating a positive, supportive, and inclusive environment for students who are back in the classroom after 18 months is overwhelming. Let’s talk about it.

Unpacking Education 26 min Resource by:

Plug Into a Professional Learning Network

Stay connected to the latest education conversations, ideas, tips, and tools with a Professional Learning Network (PLN).

Best Practices 11 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Extend Your Learning

The following resources related to this topic can be found on AVID Open Access to extend and connect your learning:

These collections change often as we add new curriculum and resources to AVID Open Access.

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