Discover MagicSchool, an AI tool that can be used by educators to help save time and aid with planning, communication, and student support.
Stephanie Espy, founder of MathSP, cofounder of Knowledge for College, and author and Executive Director of STEM Gems, provides ideas and pathways to interest more students, especially girls, in STEM fields.
Discover four AI image generation tools found in Adobe Firefly.
Learn about Digital Inclusion Week and discover resources and programs that are available to support digital equity.
Discover the features and creative options available using Canva, a multimedia production tool.
Allison Morgan explains the importance of executive function, its impact on student learning, and what educators can do to support students’ thinking brains.
Review Khan Academy’s artificially intelligent personal tutor and teaching assistant, Khanmigo.
Discover specific strategies for building community in your classroom, school, and broader community.
Explore five ways that teachers can begin the journey of preparing students for an AI-infused world and workforce.
Learn more about artificial intelligence, how it may impact education, and the free resources and support provided by the AI Education Project, aiEDU.
Discover 10 tips for improving the prompts you use with generative AI chatbots.
Allison Morgan, the founder and CEO of Zensational Kids, helps us unpack neuroscience, self-regulation, and its impact on the well-being of both students and staff.
Discover what artificial intelligence is, how it appears in our daily lives, and how generative AI tools like ChatGPT have changed the game.
Educators and school leaders share strategies and insights for helping students pave the way to personal, academic, and career success.
Discover Flippity, a free website offering 28 different learning activity templates that you can use in your classroom.