Recover, Recharge, and Regroup for Fall

Explore ways to recover, recharge, and regroup this summer and get ready for fall.

Grades K-12, K-12 6 min Resource by:
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Now, school is out, the weather has gotten warmer, and it is time for you to recover, regroup, and recharge so that you are ready to face new challenges in the fall. To do this, start by engaging in some much-needed self-care. Think about creating a self-care plan or a self-care SMART goal (that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound). Design your goal with change in mind. Depending upon where you live, the current situation in your community, your personal health, etc., you will need to think about how you can recover, regroup, and recharge. No matter your situation, you will find ideas and strategies below to help you meet your needs.


The school year can be exhausting, and you deserve some rest. Take some deep breaths, relax, and use some of your time this summer to recover. Below are a few ideas to help speed along the recovery process.

  • Sleep!
    • Try to sleep eight hours every night.
    • If you have a hard time falling asleep, try listening to an audiobook, nature sounds, or sleep meditation.
    • If the bright summer light bothers you, try using a sleep mask or getting blackout curtains.
  • Eat healthy.
    • During the summer, you may have access to all kinds of delicious seasonal fruits and veggies.
  • Get outside.
    • Walk or run.
    • Ride a bike.
    • Hike.
    • Blow bubbles.
    • Go fishing.
    • Run through a sprinkler.
    • Sunbathe (but don’t forget the sunscreen).
  • Exercise (see many options above).
    • Host a virtual dance party.
    • Participate in yoga.
    • Try a YouTube or Netflix workout video.
    • Try some of the newer virtual-reality sports that are available or get out your old Xbox One Kinect or Nintendo Wii and play games that get you moving.


After addressing your physical needs and beginning to recharge, it’s also important to focus on restoring your energy, mindset, and sense of connection.

  • Read for pleasure.
    • Find a comfortable spot indoors or outside and read by yourself.
    • Engage in a book club.
    • Join or start a virtual book club.
    • Listen to an audiobook.
  • Meditate.
  • Have a movie night.
    • Host a movie night.
    • Host a movie-viewing party with Netflix Party.
  • Learn something new.
    • Watch a YouTube video to learn something you have always wanted to do.
    • Read a book or article.
    • Visit a website, like Instructables, to learn how to make something.
    • Listen to a podcast.
    • Learn how to code using resources like (Binary Bracelets) or Scratch (Tool Tips).
  • Have coffee/tea breaks with friends and family.
    • Meet up for a coffee/tea break.
    • Set up a virtual coffee/tea break.
  • Create something.
    • Build something out of Legos.
    • Paint something. You can paint by numbers or focus on diamond painting.
    • Craft. You can create and start decorating your back-to-school masks.
    • Take pictures.
    • Finish a puzzle.
    • Try a new recipe.
  • Have a game night.
    • Play cards or board games with family and friends.
    • Have a virtual game night.


As you start to recover and recharge, your mind will inevitably start to focus on school and what will be happening in the fall. How might you regroup and prepare yourself for what is to come?

  • Journal/blog.
    • Write your own journal or blog.
    • Read other educators’ blogs.
  • Extend your virtual Professional Learning Network.
  • Engage in webinars you find interesting.
  • Participate in virtual conferences or online courses, like AVID Ignite.
  • Learn a new practice or skill that will make next year better. Use previous resources from AVID Open Access.
  • Reflect on the past year and think about what went well and what you would like to improve.
  • Get organized.

As you regroup and start to plan for next school year, continue to consider how you will make self-care a priority. Taking care of yourself will benefit both you and your students.