It’s almost the new year! Thank you for joining us for our special holiday series. We are sending you warm wishes for 2021, as we say goodbye to 2020 with tips for establishing a self-care routine for the new year that incorporates time to recharge. We also conclude our countdown by sharing our most popular episode with you. We appreciate your support as we celebrate over 20,000 downloads of Tech Talk for Teachers. Thank you for all you do!
Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.
Christopher Germer, clinical psychologist and lecturer
In this week’s episode, we discuss the following strategies and resources that are available on AVID Open Access for you to explore in more depth.
Rest and Recharge Countdown: Tips 1–4
As a teacher, you work in a service-oriented profession and help students develop essential cognitive and interpersonal skills, but you may still find it challenging to apply these same strategies to your own personal and professional growth. Now is the time for you to take the advice that you have been giving and intentionally engage in some much-needed self-care.
Making Self-Care Part of Your Daily Routine
- Realistic: Setting realistic goals is another strategy we teach our students that we can apply to self-care. We can use a similar format as the SMART goals to set ourselves up for success with our self-care goals.
- Routine: We teach our students how to establish study routines so that they become part of their daily habit. We must do the same for our self-care routines. To become a routine, it takes both intention and time. Studies have shown that it takes approximately 2 months “for a new behavior to become automatic.”
- Reward: Don’t forget to reward yourself for a job well done.
- Rejuvenate: Use the 11 other Rs to rejuvenate yourself with new energy, enthusiasm, and a shiny zeal, so you can give new physical and emotional energy to your students, co-workers, family, and anyone else with whom you may interact.
Countdown of Tech Talk For Teachers’ Top 3 Episodes
At #1, with over 1,900 downloads, is Episode 9: Foster a Growth Mindset for Teachers and Students.
Developing a growth mindset is equally applicable to teachers and students. This episode explores what growth-mindset development can look like for you and your students, what it means for remote learning, and suggestions for how you can nurture and model a growth mindset for the benefit of your students and yourself.
Join our Digital Learning Specialists as they share their stories from the classroom, where they have helped students identify moments of growth and have processed their own out loud. Learn how these moments help build trust in your face-to-face or virtual classroom while also modeling for students the positive power of persisting through challenges.