
Implementing WICOR®: Writing

WICOR is AVID’s proven learning support structure, which emphasizes writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to prepare students for college and career success. This collection explores writing strategies as well as technology that can be used to power up the writing process.

Revise With Resolve: Step 3 in Powering Up and Enhancing the Writing Process With Technology

Use technology to efficiently and effectively improve the content, organization, and coherence of your writing.

Best Practices 10 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Draft With Direction: Step 2 in Powering Up and Enhancing the Writing Process With Technology

Explore ways to integrate technology as you transition from the planning stage to writing your first draft.

Best Practices 15 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Reimagine the Writing Process

Consider how the integration of technology can expand how you define the process and product of writing in your classroom.

Best Practices 5 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Pre-Write With Purpose: Step 1 in Powering Up and Enhancing the Writing Process With Technology

Explore ways to integrate technology into four pre-writing tasks: clarifying your writing task, generating preliminary ideas, gathering ideas and content, and organizing and planning.

Best Practices 26 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Empower Students With Accessibility Tools

Explore strategies and tools like text to speech, translation services, and closed captioning that can make content more accessible to your students.

Best Practices 20 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

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