Help students develop the life skills they need to become digital collaborators.
Create Community and Nurture Connections to Support Deep Learning
While remote teaching and learning introduces a variety of challenges for school communities, staying connected with each other is often at the top of the list. After all, teaching is first and foremost about relationships, and it’s the reason many of us got into the profession. These relationships provide the foundation for nearly everything else that happens in the classroom—from academic achievement to social and emotional well-being. This sense of community and support is essential to the learning experience.
While it may be more challenging to establish and maintain community and connection during remote learning than during a face-to-face classroom experience, it can be done. The articles in this collection offer ideas, strategies, and tools to help you create community and connections while teaching remotely.
Teach Students Digital Collaboration Skills
Create a positive, trusting environment to teach students digital collaboration skills.
Design Collaborative, Tech-Empowered Lessons
Explore 3 strategies for creating collaborative lessons to meaningfully integrate technology in your students’ learning.
Choose the Right Digital Collaboration Tool for Your Lesson
Learn how to select the right digital tools that meet multiple learning needs.
Shift to Online Discussions: Powerful but Different
Explore 4 steps for developing successful online discussions.
Connect Positively With Families
Explore five tips for communicating and connecting with families in order to develop a positive home and school partnership.
Start the Year by Fostering Your Students’ Growth Mindset
Help students transition to the new year by teaching and fostering their growth mindset.
Build Classroom Community to Meet the Needs of the Whole Child
Develop strategies to establish relationships and build a positive classroom community for your students.
Plug Into a Professional Learning Network
Stay connected to the latest education conversations, ideas, tips, and tools with a Professional Learning Network (PLN).
Honor and Celebrate Students During Live Remote Learning
Learn how to celebrate your students to cultivate relational capacity in a remote-learning environment.
Integrating Tech Into Birthday Celebrations
Discover tech-empowered strategies for celebrating students’ birthdays in K–12 classrooms.
Digital Icebreakers
Discover fun and interactive digital icebreaker activities for helping students in your classroom get to know each other.
Holiday Tech Fun: Activities for Your Classroom
Review 10 holiday activities for your classroom that utilize free technology.
Amplifying Student Voices: Sharing Holiday Stories and Traditions
Explore five strategies for giving all students a voice in your classroom during the holiday season.
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