Learn how to help students prepare and share the product of their learning as part of the ANSWERS inquiry process.

Digital Study & Life Skills
Empower your students with digital study and life skills to help them succeed in a global society where curiosity and innovation inform collaboration and problem solving.
Review, Reflect, and Revise: Step 6 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
Learn how to help students review, reflect, and revise both the process and product of their inquiry learning during the ANSWERS inquiry process.
Elaborate and Express Your Learning: Step 5 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
Learn how to help students analyze, synthesize, interpret, and communicate the results of their inquiry during the fifth step in the ANSWERS inquiry process.
Weave the Information Together: Step 4 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
Learn how to help students apply critical thinking, note-taking, and organizational skills as they weave information together during the fourth step in the ANSWERS inquiry process.
Search and Seek Credible Information: Step 3 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
Learn how to help students search for relevant and credible information as they complete the third step in the ANSWERS inquiry process.
Note the Possibilities for Inquiry Learning: Step 2 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
Learn more about the second step in the ANSWERS inquiry process to help students explore possibilities and develop their research plan.
Spark Curiosity and Ask Questions for Inquiry Learning: Step 1 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process
The first step in the inquiry learning process is to spark student curiosity and guide them to generate their own questions.
Engage Students by Cultivating Their Curiosity
Leverage inquiry learning to engage students during face-to-face, remote, or hybrid learning.
Foster Substantive and Respectful Online Discussions
Explore strategies your students can use to power up their posts and ramp up their responses during online discussions.
Manage Your Communication: Emails and Notifications
Explore strategies that you and your students can use to effectively manage emails and notifications.
Help Students Hone Their Online Study Skills
Explore strategies and digital tools your students can use to effectively study at home.
Maintain Academic Integrity
Learn strategies and digital tools to teach your students how to practice academic integrity in both face-to-face and remote learning.
Develop Your Students’ Digital Organization Skills: eFiles, eBinders, and ePortfolios
Learn strategies and digital tools that students can use to effectively and efficiently organize their class materials and share their achievements.
Develop Your Students’ Time Management Skills
Learn strategies and digital tools that students can use to develop their time management skills.
Learn and Manage Your Digital Learning Environment
Learn how to help your students effectively use and manage their digital learning environment.