Adobe Podcast
In today’s episode, we’ll explore Adobe Podcast, a free podcasting solution for your classroom.
Account Details
- Set up an account at, with the free account offering the following features:
- Audio only
- Two episode downloads per day
- Recorded episodes up to 30 minutes in length
- If you choose to opt for the premium account, additional features are available:
- Audio and video options
- Unlimited downloads
- Speaker-separated original files available for download
Key Tools
- Enhance Speech:
- Upload MP3 or WAV files.
- Remove background noise.
- Enhance sound.
- Mic Check:
- Test microphone in four areas:
- Distance to microphone
- Gain
- Background noise
- Echo
- Adjust and recheck devices.
- Test microphone in four areas:
- Studio:
- Invite guests.
- Record, produce, and download audio.
- Edit transcript to change audio.
- Insert royalty-free music.
- Insert placeholders.
- Enhance sound.
- Share templates.
- Download produced audio.
- With the class:
- Upload to Google Drive.
- Upload to a learning management system (LMS).
- With a broader audience:
- Be sure to review and adhere to local privacy and sharing guidelines.
- Set up an external sharing system by either:
- Posting to a classroom website
- Posting to social media
- Setting up podcast hosting with a provider, like Spotify or Apple Podcasts
For more information about using audio in your classroom, explore the AVID Open Access article, Hear It, Say It, Play It: The Power of Audio in Student Creation.
#367 — Adobe Podcast
AVID Open Access
9 min
Adobe podcast, free version, premium version, enhance speech, mic check, studio tool, upload audio, invite guests, record option, royalty-free music, transcript editing, filter option, placeholder option, download projects, hosting options
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