Ed Tip: Preparing to Present

Discover seven key steps that students can use when preparing to share information with an audience.

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To culminate new learning or the completion of a project, we often ask students to present or share out their ultimate product. This can be a great way to motivate students beyond simply receiving a grade, and it can help them develop and practice important life and career skills. However, presenting to an audience can be very intimidating and scary for students. To help them be successful with this effort, you may need to provide them with some guidance and tips for how to best prepare. One way to do this is to introduce students to the PREPARE acronym.


The elements comprising the PREPARE process are:

    • Plan
    • Review
    • Equipment
    • Prep
    • Audience
    • Rehearse
    • Execute

Digital Tools

Tools that students may find helpful when preparing to present information to an audience include:

Integration Ideas

Using the PREPARE acronym to outline key steps can make it easier for students to digest and remember this information. You may want to make a copy of this PREPARE Study Guide for your students, as they can use it to record their progress through these steps. It may also be helpful to share this PREPARE to Share Poster with your students as a handy summary tool. Schedule allowing, reserve some in-class time for students to practice with a partner and receive peer feedback. This can hold them accountable to the rehearsal process, help them become more comfortable presenting, and lead to a better final sharing experience.

How can I learn more?

For more information about this topic, explore the AVID Open Access article, Share Your Learning With Others: Step 7 of the Searching for ANSWERS Inquiry Process.