
Use Flippity to create digital manipulatives, activities, and tools to support your online classroom.

Grades K-12 5 min Resource by:

Use Flippity to create digital manipulatives, activities, and tools to support your online classroom.

Flippity is a free website that allows you to turn Google spreadsheets into interactive digital manipulatives, activities, and tools. The site offers a wide range of ready-made templates that you can copy and customize. Once you have adapted it to meet your needs, you simply publish the sheet to the web and share the auto-generated link. Some of the more popular templates include a quiz show generator, a random name picker, a scavenger hunt activity, a word search generator, a crossword puzzle maker, and a Mad Libs creator.

Technical Requirements

  • Flippity is a website.
  • To use the Google spreadsheet templates, you will need a Google account.
  • Copied spreadsheets are stored in your Google Drive.
  • Spreadsheets must be published to the web to generate the activity.

Check out this video and tip sheet for an overview of Flippity:

Interested in Learning More?

The following resource is available to answer additional questions you may have: