Ed Tip: Games

Use these digital versions of popular board games to have students interact, connect, and practice critical thinking.

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Students generally love to play games. They are engaging and motivating, and they allow students to connect with each other and build relationships. The games in this collection are digital versions of various classic games, like checkers, chess, and tic-tac-toe.


At AVID Open Access, we’ve created several game options for you to use in your classroom. These are intended to be played digitally with pairs of students. To use them, students should click a link to a game template and then click the “Use Template” button to generate their own version of the game. The students playing the game should then share the file with each other, so both can “edit,” allowing them to move game pieces. The game should be played in the editing view (not full presentation view) so that pieces can be moved. Students can play on the same device or separate devices. You may also download a PowerPoint version if you are a Microsoft user. If you are using Microsoft 365, students can share in a similar fashion to Google Slides. If students are using a downloaded copy, they will likely need to share a device and take turns moving pieces.

Templates from AVID Open Access

Online Digital Tools to Use for Games

Integration Ideas

Games are a great way to engage students in critical thinking and to facilitate interpersonal connections. Games like these can be used as reward time, as enrichment when assignments are completed early, or for community building during homeroom time.

How Can I Learn More?

Explore AVID Open Access for more free templates, articles, tool tips, podcasts, and other great resources, including the related podcast episode: Game-Based Learning as a Medium to Connect With Every Child.