Ed Tip: Digital Gratitude Activities

Explore 10 ways that you can have your students express gratitude in your classroom.

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Studies have repeatedly supported the idea that gratitude improves our overall mental and physical health. By integrating gratitude activities into our classrooms, we can help our students achieve these benefits while also improving our classroom climate and culture.

Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude can:

Gratefulness Activites

Here are 10 ways that you can bring gratefulness activities into your classroom:

Integration Ideas

These activities can be done individually, in groups, or as a whole class. With any of these integration approaches, the key is to celebrate the positive attributes and experiences of your students. In doing so, you can build a positive atmosphere in your classroom. It is important for each student to feel included, so consider systems that ensure everyone is celebrated. This may include assigning asset buddies or gratitude groups. While any of these activities can be completed as a one-time event, focusing on gratitude over extended periods of time can amplify the benefits and make generating grateful thoughts a habit.

How can I learn more?

For more information about this topic, explore the following Unpacking Education podcast episode from AVID Open Access: The Power of Being Grateful, with Cherie Spencer.