
Supporting Students Affected by Trauma

As students return to a more normal version of school, educators have noticed changes in their behavior. Some are more dependent on their phones. Others have shorter attention spans or a reduced ability to regulate their emotions. This is not surprising. Nobody was fully prepared to transition to remote learning. Some students had support and thrived, while others struggled–especially those whose parents needed to work, and had no child care options available.

Throughout the experience of pandemic learning, students often experienced altered social situations and sometimes social isolation. They did not have the stability of a school routine to structure their day, and they may not have had a teacher as readily available to help with academics or social and emotional needs.

In this collection of resources, we explore the topic of student trauma. We ask questions, provide tips, and strive to find ways to support students who may be experiencing trauma. While these resources can be helpful for independent study, you may find a richer experience if you review this content with other educators. Consider downloading the guiding questions to support your conversations around this important topic. These guides provide the prompts, and the resources provide ideas and potential strategies, but you and your team are the ones who will craft a solution that meets the needs of students in your system.

#77 – Recalibrating Normal

Join us for a conversation about how we can apply what we’ve learned from two years of teaching during a pandemic to improve our schools and classrooms.

Unpacking Education 30 min Resource by:

#76 – Have Kids Changed as a Result of the Pandemic?

Let’s discuss how the pandemic has impacted, and potentially changed, our students. We’ll share how we can draw upon our experiences to make a positive difference for students during the transition back to face-to-face learning and between learning models.

Unpacking Education 31 min Resource by:

#74 – How to Welcome Your Students Back From the Holidays

Provide students with the support they need as they return to school after winter break with strategies to help develop their empathetic listening skills to reinforce your classroom community.

Unpacking Education 23 min Resource by:

Connect With Families

Explore how to better connect with the families of the students you support and why it is so important.

Best Practices 15 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

#37 – Reassembling After Loss: Putting the Pieces Together for a New Picture

Join us for the last installment of our SEL series where we reframe the narrative. Rather than focusing on learning loss, we explore what we have learned this year that has led to growth and resiliency.

Unpacking Education 26 min Resource by:

#35 – Supporting Families During the Pandemic: Coping With Stress, Anxiety, and Grief

Explore tips to help students reduce the stress and anxiety that has accompanied the learning process this year with practical strategies to promote self-awareness and self-regulation.

Unpacking Education 20 min Resource by:

#34 – Caring for Students During Pandemic Learning

Explore tips to help students reduce the stress and anxiety that has accompanied the learning process this year with practical strategies to promote self-awareness and self-regulation.

Unpacking Education 17 min Resource by:

Connect Positively With Families

Explore five tips for communicating and connecting with families in order to develop a positive home and school partnership.

Best Practices 17 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Start the Year by Fostering Your Students’ Growth Mindset

Help students transition to the new year by teaching and fostering their growth mindset.

Best Practices 8 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Build Classroom Community to Support Your Students’ Social and Emotional Needs

Develop strategies to establish relationships and build a positive classroom community for your students.

Best Practices 11 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

These collections change often as we add new curriculum and resources to AVID Open Access.

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