
Level Up Learning: Group or Self-Study Resources for Flexible and Adaptive Learning

Equity and access have always been concerns in education. These concerns were amplified when schools needed to shift delivery models during the pandemic. Some schools already had digital devices for all students, and some even had staff who were trained to deliver virtual instruction. However, many districts did not have these benefits. When schools were located in already under-supported districts, inequities and access concerns were amplified.

Now that schools are back to teaching and learning in person, it’s important to remember the inequities we’ve seen during the pandemic. What did you see in your district? Was their equity of access to technology, a learning space suited for learning, and a teacher who was confident leveraging the technology and resources available? Download the guiding questions and try to answer them as you work through these resources. Use the podcasts and articles to stimulate conversation with your colleagues. These experiences can be especially powerful when you work through them as a team and both immediately and frequently discuss when questions and challenges arise. Of course, don’t forget to also celebrate your successes.

#84 – Authentic Demonstration of Student Knowledge: Helping Students Share Their Stories Authentically to Validate Their Voices

To increase student ownership in learning we need to provide students with meaningful and authentic “voice and choice.” But what does this really mean? How do we implement it?

Unpacking Education 30 min Resource by:

Make Virtual Learning Accessible

Explore ways teachers can make learning experiences more accessible.

Best Practices 10 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Design for Accessibility With the Universal Design for Learning Process

Discover how to create a more accessible virtual learning environment by making your content ADA compliant and designing with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) process.

Best Practices 20 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Empower Students With Accessibility Tools

Explore strategies and tools like text to speech, translation services, and closed captioning that can make content more accessible to your students.

Best Practices 20 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Extend Your Learning

These collections change often as we add new curriculum and resources to AVID Open Access.

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