
Foster Student Collaboration in a Tech-Empowered Classroom

We live in an increasingly tech-rich world, and to thrive (and sometimes survive) in this world, our students need to be effective digital collaborators. While being an effective group member during face-to-face meetings is essential, it’s no longer enough. Both college and career skills are evolving to meet the demands of a digitally connected world, and if we want our students to be “future ready,” they must be empowered with the skills to be successful in these spaces. Specifically, students must be able to collaborate across time and space through a variety of digital channels.

As teachers, we have both an opportunity and a responsibility to help our students develop these collaboration skills, but to do so, we need to stop thinking about our classrooms as “tech-rich” and shift to the mindset that our classrooms are “tech-empowered.” By leveraging technology to transform teaching and learning, we can help  our students gain academic knowledge while simultaneously empowering them with essential digital life skills.

In this collection, you will learn how to choose a collaboration tool, teach collaboration skills, and design lessons that empower students with rich, digital collaboration opportunities.

Develop Global Collaborators: Connect Your Students to Classrooms Around the World

Explore how to connect your students to classroom around the world to help them become effective global collaborators.

Best Practices 13 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Empower Students as Digital Collaborators

Help students develop the life skills they need to become digital collaborators.

Best Practices 4 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Teach Students Digital Collaboration Skills

Create a positive, trusting environment to teach students digital collaboration skills.

Best Practices 8 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Design Collaborative, Tech-Empowered Lessons

Explore 3 strategies for creating collaborative lessons to meaningfully integrate technology in your students’ learning.

Best Practices 8 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Choose the Right Digital Collaboration Tool for Your Lesson

Learn how to select the right digital tools that meet multiple learning needs.

Best Practices 15 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

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