
Dive Into Digital Tools and Strategies for English Language Arts (ELA)

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English Language Arts (ELA) is a unique subject area because, either directly or indirectly, it impacts learning in every other content area. In fact, you could argue that the skills learned in ELA become the foundational skills that lead to academic success in all content areas. As the popular saying goes, students “learn to read,” so they can then “read to learn.” We can expand this thought process to other core ELA skills as well. For instance, students must “learn to write,” so they can “write to learn.” When students master writing, they gain new and powerful ways to reflect on their learning and share what they know. The same can be said for speaking, viewing, and listening. These fundamental learning skills constitute the core of the ELA curriculum and splash over into every other curricular area. When we empower our students as effective communicators, we empower them to become successful, lifelong learners in all aspects of their lives.

Because it provides such an important foundation, it’s not surprising that reading, writing, and other language arts skills occupy such a large portion of both an elementary and secondary school day. If you are an ELA teacher, you will definitely find the resources in this collection directly related to your teaching and learning needs. But even if you are not an ELA teacher, these skills are still very relevant to your students and their learning in your content area. As you review the skills, strategies, and resources in this collection, consider how you may apply and transfer them to the learning in your classroom.

Teach Reading With Online Resources

Use digital tools and strategies to make reading instruction more engaging, efficient, and effective.

Best Practices 4 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Read Online With e-Books, Virtual Libraries, and Digital Collections

Expand student access to reading materials through e-Books, virtual libraries, and digital collections.

Best Practices 5 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Level the Playing Field With Leveled Reading

Leverage leveled reading websites to effectively and efficiently differentiate for different student reading levels, scaffold reading development, and make academic content accessible.

Best Practices 4 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Take It Further With Online Literature Resources

Discover online resources to help plan and teach lessons about literature.

Best Practices 4 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Use Technology to Spark Speaking and Listening

Explore the unique benefits of digital speaking and listening and also discover online resources to integrate into your classroom.

Best Practices 5 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Fine-Tune Your Communication With Online Reference Materials

Develop a collection of online reference materials for convenient and immediate access and use.

Best Practices 3 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

Find and Explore Websites to Help Teach ELA

Explore websites filled with lessons, teaching ideas, content resources, and interactive games.

Best Practices 5 min Grades K-12 Resource by:

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